Film Programs

Predevelopment Program for Documentary Productions

Program Deadlines

  • July 12, 2024

In recognition of the need to stimulate the creation and development of innovative and marketable documentary projects and of the significant costs of taking those projects to the marketplace, this pilot program will provide financial support to Manitoba producers developing linear documentary productions. This program allows companies to pre-develop one or more projects that have not yet received support from a broadcaster, distributor, or development financing, with the intent to encourage broadcaster or distributor financial support in the subsequent stages of development and production.

Through the program, eligible Manitoba-based producers will be able to secure up to $25,000 in funding toward a new documentary project’s eligible costs. Applicants may submit a maximum of two projects.

Among other criteria, projects eligible for funding must meet the CMF’s Documentary definition, be in the early concept stage of development without the financial participation of a broadcaster or distributor and can be features, one-offs, mini-series, or series.

The program is a collaboration between the Manitoba Film & Music (MFM) and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and will require joint approval of both agencies. The funding contributions from MFM and the CMF will be offered in the form of repayable advances.

MFM will accept applications through it's online portal from May 7 to July 12, 2024. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions by the end of July.​

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